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doTERRA Business Opportunity as a Wellness Advocate


The doTERRA business opportunity is robust and growing. While the vast majority of Wellness Advocates are focused on the use of essentials oils for the benefit of their family and friends, some want to develop a profitable business. They actively work to grow and achieve leadership ranks within doTERRA, and there’s a significant opportunity to supplement your income in doing this. Of course, each Wellness Advocate's results will depend on the time and effort they put into building their own doTERRA business.

Power of 3

This bonus is a guide for Wellness Advocates when they are getting going in doTERRA. Power of 3 is built on two main elements: structure and the Loyalty Rewards Program. This helps new builders focus on structure from the beginning, which sets them up for rank advancements in the future. Retention is an important part of dōTERRA’s compensation plan: it’s what helps you build a significant residual income and that’s the focus of the Loyalty Rewards program (LRP).

When you teach the importance of the Loyalty Rewards Program and develop the structure necessary to qualify for the Power of 3, then you will have established the core principles of your business.

There are three Power of 3 Bonuses that you can earn: $50, $250, and $1500. Each bonus is achieved through proper placement of members placing 100+ PV orders and team volume as described below. The Power of 3 bonus is simple if you focus on building your 50 and then help others do the same.

$50: You must have three personally sponsored Wellness Advocates with 100 PV Loyalty Rewards orders and a total of 600 Team Volume. (Team Volume includes your personal order, the orders of your frontline, retail orders, and Preferred Member orders.)

$250: Your three frontline team members must each earn their $50 power of 3 bonus. They need to have three qualified, personally sponsored Wellness Advocates with a minimum of 600 Team Volume. (See example image below.)

$1500: Your three frontline must earn their $250, which means you are helping them teach their 3 qualifying people to earn their own $50. Your nine second-level qualified Wellness Advocates also must each have three qualified, personally sponsored Wellness Advocates enrolled with a minimum of 600 Team Volume.

This is the first of many times you will have the opportunity to empower the people on your team to reach a new bonus. If you teach those on your team to focus on their $50, it can translate up and down and help everyone reach additional levels of the bonus.

doTERRA Compensation Power of 3 Bonus

Fast Start

First, let’s talk Fast Start. Fast Start allows all Wellness Advocates to earn a bonus on individuals they share essential oils with and then help enroll. Each Wellness Advocate wanting to earn Fast Start needs to have a 100PV Loyalty Rewards Order to participate. Fast Start is paid weekly on the PV from the orders a new Wellness Advocate places in their first 60 days. When essential oils are part of your wellness lifestyle, it's easy to share with others.

Let's look at an example. Lisa enrolled Megan. Megan placed 3 orders in her first 60 days (Order PV: 132PV, 78PV and 147PV.). Lisa received a check for each of these orders equal to 20 percent of the PV. The check values were $26.40, $15.60 and $29.40 respectively. Lisa earned a total of $71.40 for educating and enrolling Megan. It’s pretty simple.

doTERRA Business Opportunity

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NOTA: Los consejos compartidos en este sitio no ha sido evaluada por la FDA. Los productos y métodos recomendados no están destinados para diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad o dolencia, ni tiene la intención de sustituir la ayuda médica adecuada. Como miembros ofrecen o buscan respuestas, entender amablemente que los aceites esenciales trabajan para ayudar al cuerpo a entrar en equilibrio - ayudando así a las defensas naturales del cuerpo para restaurar la homeostasis. Los aceites esenciales no se utilizan para "tratar o curar" problemas médicos.

NOTE: The advice shared in this site has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it intended to replace proper medical help. As members offer or look for answers, kindly understand that essential oils work to help to bring the body into balance - thus helping the body's natural defenses to restore homeostasis. Essential oils are not used to "treat" medical problems.

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